Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First Post!

Ah, the first post. This is the christening of my new blog. Perhaps this deserves a bottle of champagne? Hm, on second thought, I don’t think my laptop could handle that.

My name is Jennifer. You can call me Jen. No, really, I insist. I feel like I’m in trouble if someone uses my full first name. I’m a young, single girl. I have lived with my parents on and off since my high school graduation. That was June of 2006. Since then I have moved 11 times. Back and forth to college as well as in and out of friends’ houses. However, that all changed in March. A stepping stone was laid earlier this year for me. I signed a lease. I’m on my own now.

Well, not completely. My best friend signed the lease with me but we are equals in this. The security deposit was (mostly) paid by me. The majority of the bills are in my name. I did not move into a house that was already claimed. I am not replacing a moved-out roommate. I can call this my home.

I work full time as a Nurses Aide. Down the road I’m looking forward to going to nursing school but that’s currently not in the plans. I plan on getting certified for a boost in my paycheck but we’ll see if I ever actually get around to that.

I have many bad habits and procrastination is one of them. You will learn this well.

I enjoy crafting but I hardly do it. I’m hoping to change that and post my results on here. This may or may not be a result of reading so many blogs such as Kimba’s, Joy’s, and a few others. I learned to sew in my 7th grade home economics class. I bought myself a sewing machine during my sophomore year of college. I have used it once. The first time was about 6 months ago. I learned to cross-stitch in a 10th grade sewing class and I made my first piece of clothing, a pair of bright polka dot pj pants, in my 11th grade Independent Living class (Thanks, Mrs. Eckert!). I recently learned how to crochet thanks to the internet and youtube. When I feel more comfortable with it I’m also going to try knitting.

There are many more layers to me. I am an Aunt, a Daughter, a Friend, a Rocker Chick, a Gamer and other silly and serious things.

Welcome to On Her Own Now.